How To Create Phishing Page Step By Step

It’s nice to know the steps phishers take to phish, but you should never try these techniques. Kartik 2015/05/12 at 7:19 PM. Thanks for sharing this info but could you please make me understand how to bypass antivirus on the victim’s pc if we are sending phishing page through email victim is not in a local network Again thanks.

Learn How to make Phishing Page for Facebook

  • We will use phishing method to harvest user credentials of victim by creating facebook phishing page and hosting it on our own web server with xampp and ngrok. Follow these simple steps. How To Hack Facebook Account Using Phishing. Step 1- Download.
  • How to make phishing page for Facebook Step By Step. You guessed it right. Its the same file we replaced URL with in step 4. Ya ya, i know you guys are really smart. Ok, all you have to do is to copy the following code and paste it in a new Notepad window and save it with name.
  • We have taken an example of facebook to create a Phishing page but you can make any Social networking site phishing page by following exact steps as listed below! Step 1: Download Post.php from the link provided: Click here to download it.

How to make phishing page? Everyone wants to hack their friends or girlfriends facebook account but doesn’t know programming or hacking so today I will show How To Make Phishing Page

Why I’m sharing this?

The reason is simple to spread awareness.
Let me tell u one Incident for sharing this trick ‘The Perfect Reason.’

Few days back my crush asked to tell Instagram username. At that time I didn’t have an Instagram account, so I said to her that I won’t tell u I will follow u on Instagram then I created a new account in few minutes and started following her on Instagram.

At that time, I don’t know how to use Instagram, so her account was private.
But somehow I want to fetch her profile, so I started looking for Instagram hacks tried so many things but maximum time I have failed.
Then I tried brute force dictionary attack to find her Instagram account password but then again after 20 hrs of brute force I feel bored so thought that it would be better to go with handshake and lets create a phishing page so that I can quickly fetch her password so at that time I created phishing page but she is so smart she got me
Then I tried a more advanced trick to get her password finally I got her password but till now I haven’t accessed her account before accessing her account I want to tell her so many things so that she won’t feel sorry!

Making a Phishing Page for Facebook is very easy.Don’t know what is phishing then let me, first of all, tell you in short what phishing is?

Phishing is the attempt to get the personal information such as username, password, etc. by using a fake page! They send out e-mails that appear to come from the legitimate websites such as E-bay, Paypal, etc. and when you click those links they ask you to enter your details such as password, e-mail, Credit card number and once you enter your details the phisher will get all your details!

In this tutorial, I am going to tell you how to make phishing page?

NOTE: This tutorial is for Education Purpose only don’t misuse it, We will not hold any responsibility if it is being misused!

And we support only ethical activities if u broke any law then we are not responsible !!!

We have taken an example of Facebook to create a Phishing page, but you can make any Social networking site phishing page by following exact steps as listed below!

I have created Instagram phishing page few months back which was successful but make sure you yourself don’t indulge in criminal activities.

Step 1:

Download Post.php from the link provided: Click here to download it.

Step 2:

Now go to (Make sure that you are logged out!).Now Right click anywhere on the Facebook home page and click on “view page source” from the menu. Alternatively, you can get the source code of any site like email, Facebook that as the login form and create the phishing page by following other steps as it is.

Step 3:

After clicking on “View page source”, a new window will open with HTML coding in it.Press CTRL+A your keyboard to select the entire code and then press CTRL+C your keyboard to copy the code.

Step 4:

Open Notepad and paste the whole code in it, now scroll notepad to the top. Press CTRL+F of your keyboard and find “action=” without inverted comma’s.there will be two “action=” you are interested in the first one.

Step 5:

Now Replace the highlighted text as shown in the picture given below with word “post.php.”

Step 6:

Go to File>Save as and save your file with the filename “index.html” without the inverted comma. Press O.K if it shows up a warning!

Step 7:

How To Create Phishing Page Step By Step Pdf

Now its time to upload the Phishing page that you created for Facebook. Go to or any free hosting site( 000webhost ) and create an account if you don’t have an account (It’s FREE).After creating your account on click on the File Manager.

Step 8:

After Clicking File manager now click on Upload file.Now upload index.html and post.php.

Step 9:

That’s it you have successfully created a Phishing page for Facebook, to view the page just click on the index file that you uploaded on the and copy the URL from the address bar.

Now you can share the URL with your friends to get their passwords.

Step 10:

You will get the password in the section file manager>upload file of under a file name usernames.txt.

To view the password just click on the file!
If you want to change the URL of Phishing page created, you can visit Google URL Shorter and change your URL name!

I know more advanced trick in which URL Identification Is so hard that u can’t even distinguish between Phishing page and original site.

And Yes this is only for educational purpose if u ask anything related to this don’t expect reply from our side

Your suggestions are always welcomed

Before u ask anything please, use Google and then feel free to ask as it will raise my knowledge level too!

Pro Tip:-

Always go through Handshake then use your mind do some social engineering then try brute force as it takes lots of time and chances of getting success is high in Brute force but handshake is quite fast

Team Hackers Den

How To Create Phishing Page Step By Step Using

In fact, a key answer to the proposed question in this article’s title is Wapka. So what is Wapka? It is a free platform for website creation. By using it, Gmail id, browser and IP address of a victim could be all sent. Through this website, a phishing website could be created easily without any much knowledge about PHP or MySql.

What do I have to get before getting into the steps?

How to create phishing page step by step steps

You have to be aware of the following points before starting the steps which are to be discussed later on in this article:

1. You have to have an email account to be able to register on Wapka

2. You have to be knowledgeable of HTML to some extent.

3. You have to be knowledgeable of Gmail to some extent.

4. You also should be somehow aware of website creation.

5. You have to have a victim as a target for this attack.

What are we about to do now?

We are to create a website that looks exactly like Gmail mobile website. Then, we will receive the victim’s passwords, email id, IP address and browser information, through our email id.

Let’s discuss the detailed steps now:

1. Open the Wapka website and get a new account registered on the site.

2. Now, get logged into your new account and navigate through the Site List to create a new one.

3. Type the name of the site, noting that all characters should be in the range of characters a to z and numbers 0 to 9. Special characters are not allowed.

For example, you can create a username: newgmail21 and make it

4. After clicking “submit”, this should drive you to a screen with two options: either an Admin Mode or User Mode. You should click on “Admin Mode”.

5. A blank page should now appear, which is simply your site to which you have done nothing so far. To start editing your site, click on the link:: EDIT SITE(#):: This link is at the lower rightmost corner of the screen.

6. Click on the Mail form out of all the options which appear to you now.

7. A new screen will appear. You should uncheck “Enable CAPTCHA pictures”.

Now, click “submit”. Also, remember not to set it in admin mode.

8. To make your email id as the destination where the victim’s details will be sent, you need to do the following:

A. Navigate through the site list and click with the cursor on your website name. Without choosing the Admin Mode, you need to scroll down and hit “Source code viewer.”

B. Inside the box, you should type the link to your site. There should appear a screen with some code, search for the word “value=” and take note of the number right beside it.

C. Make the mail form hidden the Admin mode. This could be simply done through the next step, but this is after getting the value=’XXXX..” code.

D. Now click on your site, then choose the Admin mode. You should have a blank site again like what happened before, and now you should also click on “Edit Site”. Afterward, click on “Users”.

E. Click now on items visibility, and then you should select X from the drop-down menu.

F. Now, download the following code from this link:

G. Click on your site again and press the Admin Mode. Now, you should press Edit site and choose “WML/XHTML code”. You should now make use of the code you have just downloaded; copy paste it into this section of WML/XHTML code.

I. Remember to get the value=”XXX..” in the code replaced by the one you extracted just now.

9. Now the phishing website is ready as a design, appearance, and even functionalities. Any victim’s details should now get sent to your email which you used while registering on the Wapka website. The email will be received from [email protected] The details that will be sent should include: User-name and password With IP Address and Browser used by the victim.

How To Create Phishing Page Step By Step Steps

How To Create Phishing Page Step By Step

10. Congratulations! You can now hack the Gmail account. Well done.

Where can’t I use Wapka?

There are two locations where the use of Wapka is impossible:

How To Create A Phishing Page Step By Step

1. Facebook: any Wapka URLs get blocked by Facebook before sharing them. That’s because people on Facebook try to save their clients to the most possible levels.

2. India: the government there blocked the use of this website inside the country. Even surfing the website is impossible inside India. However, they forgot how a proxy site could do all the magic as mentioned earlier no matter whether the website is blocked in a country or not.

How can one prevent himself/herself from getting hacked through Gmail phishing?

1. First of all, you’ve got to make sure that the URL starts with “https” in the URL bar. This ascertains that it is a Google site.

2. If there is a link which refers to any “Free Offer, Free Lottery, Free Insurance, Free Net” etc., it is very highly recommended not to click on the link because it may be a phishing site. This is so common on social media websites such as Whatsapp, or even text SMS messages.

3. Don’t press links sent to you in the email just because a girl has sent it to you. This is actually one of the commonly used phishing methods to trick male guys and motivate them to open the link. This method is one of the trickiest methods of social engineering.

4. So, in a nutshell, try not to get yourself into social engineering to avoid being a victim of phishing in general and Gmail Phishing in particular.

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How To Create Phishing Page Step By Step Step By Step
