Saprouter Installation Step By Step

Read more about Step by Step Procedure for SAP Router Installation procedure from the Beginning to END. Then some additions were done in sap routing table named as saprouttab (D:usrsapsaprouter) The entries of this file are as follows. Hi all, I am doing router installation step by step process, we have all ready register SAProuter at service marketplace. Now i am download SAPSECULIB and SAPCRYPTO from service marketplace and copy saprouter.exe and niping.exe into.

The first thing we need to do, is to send a customer message to SAP Support (component XX-SER-NET-OSS-NEW) and tell them to register the hostname and IP of our new Saprouter.

(In our case it is system name (hostname) = ' **'and Public Ip =*******)
We have to register it with the official IP address (no internal IPs allowed), but it's allowed to use NAT in the firewall/router.
Ports to be allowed in firewall/router (for Secured connection).
• 32nn: R3 Support Connection
• 23: Telnet
• 1503: Netmeeting
• 5601: PC-Anywhere
• 3389: Windows Terminal Server (WTS)
After we've received a confirmation from SAP that our Saprouter has been registered, we are ready to configure the Saprouter.
2.1 Go to and down latest SAP Crypto Library
2.2 copy sapcar.exe from exe/run directory of SAP Server
2.3 uncar the dlls and sapgenpse.exe from this using sapcar -xvf

If our Saprouter directory is C:saprouter, these are the steps to follow.

STEP 1: Copy the unpacked files into C:saprouter

STEP 2: Set 2 environment variables: SECUDIR and SNC_LIB according to the
guide we've downloaded.


Saprouter Installation Step By Step Handrail

STEP 3: To generate a certificate request, run the command -
sapgenpse get_pse -v -r C:usrsapsaproutercertreq -p C:saprouterlocal.pse '<Distinguished Name>'

[In our case Distinguished Name =CN=***, OU=*****, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE available at system data maintaince and also at /saprouter-sncadd
In this step certreq and local.pse files are created at C:saprouter folder

Note: We will be asked for a PIN code. Just pick our own 4 numbers, but we'll have to use the same PIN every time we are asked to enter one. This number is important because, the same number should be provided in future when our Saprouter secure certificate validity expires, so remember the PIN code. (In our case it is PIN:****)]

STEP 4: Then we have to follow the guide and request the certificate from> SAProuter Certificate

You may apply for a SAProuter certificate from the SAP Trust Center Service of SAP service marketplace
> SAP Trust Center Service in Detail > SAProuter Certificates

SAProuter Certificate 'Apply Now'

STEP 5: Copy the contents of the certreq file and paste the contents in the place provided there.

STEP 6: Then, clicked the 'Continue' button.

STEP 7: This will generate a certificate details: then copy the contents and create a file srcert (without any extension) in C:Saprouter and copy the certificate details and paste it in this file.


STEP 8: Run the command -
sapgenpse import_own_cert -c C:saproutersrcert -p C:saprouterlocal.pse

(This will create files dev_rout etc. In C:saprouter folder then create a file saprouttab (Without any extension and copy the following contents the file.


STEP 9: To generate credentials for the user that's running the SAProuter
service, run command:

sapgenpse seclogin -p C:saprouterlocal.pse -O administrator

(this will create the file 'cred_v2' in C:saprouter folder )

STEP 10: Check the configuration by running command:

sapgenpse get_my_name -v -n Issuer
(This should always give the answer 'CN=SAProuter CA, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE')
sapgenpse get_my_name(to find the validity of license)
STEP 11: Create SAProuter service on Windows with the command :(download ntscmgr from Sap note 618053) and run the command -

ntscmgr install SAProuter -b C:saproutersaprouter.exe -p
'service -r -R C:saproutersaprouttab -W 60000 -K ^p:<Distinguished Name>^'

STEP 12: Edit the Windows Registry key as below: (regedit)

MyComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSAProuterImagePath --> Change both the (^) to (')


STEP 13: Start the SAProuter service (there maintain logon user details as administrator and password.)

Christine Lakin

STEP 14: Enter the below parameters in OSS1 -> Menu - Technical Settings

a). Click on Change -

Saprouter at Customer Site:

IP Address:
Instance no:

Saprouter installation step by step handrail

Saprouter at SAP:

IP Address:
Instance no:

Saprouter Installation Step By Step For Windows


Angela Watson

Save the settings.

Now you can log on to SAPNet by clicking on Logon to SAPNet.

Use your OSS ID and password.

Start router : saprouter -r
Stop router : saprouter -s
Soft shutdown: saprouter -p
Router info : saprouter -l (-L)
new routtab : saprouter -n
toggle trace : saprouter -t
cancel route : saprouter -c id
dump buffers : saprouter -d
flush ' : saprouter -f

Saprouter Installation Step By Step Ladders

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Saprouter Installation Step By Step Video New Kids

SAP offers its customers access to support and to a number of remote services such as
the SAP EarlyWatch service or the SAP GoingLive service. Therefore, you have to set up a
remote network connection to SAP. For more information, see SAP Service Marketplace at

The first thing you need to do is to send a customer message to SAP
Support (component XX-SER-NET-OSS-NEW) and tell them to register the
hostname and IP of your new SAProuter.

You have to register it with an official IP address (no internal IPs
allowed), but it’s allowed to use NAT in the firewall/router.

After you’ve received a confirmation from SAP that your SAProuter has
been registered, you are ready to configure your SAProuter.

If your SAProuter directory is C:usrsapsaprouter, these are the steps
to follow.

Note: You will be asked for a PIN code. Just pick your own 4 numbers, but
you’ll have to use the same PIN every time you’re asked to enter one.

1. Set 2 environment variables: SECUDIR and SNC_LIB according to the
guide you’ve downloaded.

2. Download the SAP Crypto Library and unpack it into

3. To generate a certificate request, run the command:
sapgenpse get_pse -v -r C:usrsapsaproutercertreq -p
C:usrsapsaprouterlocal.pse “”

4. Then you have to follow the guide and request the certificate from -> Download Area -> SAProuter Certificate

5. Create a file C:usrsapsaproutersrcert and copy the requested
certificate into this file. The run the command:
sapgenpse import_own_cert -c C:usrsapsaproutersrcert -p

6. To generate credentials for the user that’s running the SAProuter
service, run command:
sapgenpse seclogin -p C:usrsapsaprouterlocal.pse -O
(this will create the file “cred_v2″)

7. Check the configuration by running command:
sapgenpse get_my_name -v -n Issuer
(This should always give the answer “CN=SAProuter CA, OU=SAProuter,

8. Create SAProuter service on Windows with the command:
ntscmgr install SAProuter -b C:usrsapsaproutersaprouter.exe -p
“service -r -R C:usrsapsaproutersaprouttab -W 60000 -K

9. Edit the Windows Registry key as follows:
rImagePath –> Change both ^ to “

10. Start the SAProuter service
11. Enter the required parameters in OSS1 -> Technical Settings
Installation on UNIX

1. Create the subdirectory saprouter in the directory /usr/sap/.
2. Get the latest version of the SAProuter from the SAP Service Marketplace ( Choose Support Packages and Patches ® Entry by Application Group ® Additional Components ® SAPROUTER. The SAProuter is in packet saprouter*.SAR; the program niping is also in this packet. Copy programs saprouter and niping to the newly created directory /usr/sap/saprouter.
If you cannot copy the programs from SAP Service Marketplace, you can copy a version (may be obsolete) from your directory /usr/sap//SYS/exe/run.
3. (Optional) If you want to start the SAProuter on the same computer used for an SAP instance, insert the following line into file /usr/sap//SYS/exe/run/startsap:
# Start saprouter
if [ -f $SRDIR/saprouter ] ; then
echo “nStarting saprouter Daemon “ | tee -a $LOGFILE
echo “—————————-“ | tee -a $LOGFILE
$SRDIR/saprouter -r -R $SRDIR/saprouttab
| tee -a $LOGFILE &

Insert the lines before the commands to start the SAP instance.
Normally the SAProuter runs on a different computer. If this is so, this step is omitted and you start the SAProuter as described in Starting the SAProuter.
4. Maintain the route permission table in directory /usr/sap/saprouter. If you want to keep it in another directory or under a name other than saprouttab, you must specify this with the SAProuter option -R (see Option R ).