Teraterm Result

Tera Termをより深く使いたい方のために、Tera Termがインストールされたフォルダにteratermj.chmというヘルプファイルが用意されています。このファイルにはTera Termマクロの使い方やTTLコマンドの詳細も記載されているので、わからない事があったら読んでみて. Tera Term Alternatives. The most popular alternative is PuTTY, which is both free and Open Source.If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked 31 alternatives to Tera Term so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. TeraTerm Project. TeraTerm Project would have been developed terminal emulator 'Tera Term' and SSH module 'TTSSH'. This software is open source software under BSD License.This is Tera Term Pro 2.3 succession version and is being officially recognized by the original author. Results for 'teraterm' Filter. Emulate different types of computer terminals. Tera Term Filter. FROM CNET Upgrade to Windows 10 for free right now. Using teraterm API call 'setexitcode' to set WIndows system variable%errorlevel% requires 2 teraterm sessions to register. Teraterm Sendln issue, it cannot send the full command. TeraTerm Invalid Host when running.ttl file. Hot Network Questions Does a portable fan work for drying the bathroom?

  1. Teraterm Macro If Result
  2. Teraterm Result 2020
  3. Terraform If Result

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  • 3Scripts
  • 4What about DaVinci TeraTerm Scripts?
  • 5What about OMAP-L1 TeraTerm Scripts?
  • 6What about using a DLP Pico Projector?


Tera Term is an opensource terminal emulator on MS-Windows commonly used by us developers. Tera Term supports a 'rich' macro language that can help in automating user actions. These scripts usually remain personal - rarely shared.

In this page, I intend to share the basic scripts that can be used to automate common tasks in the Linux PSP release. The scripts were created with intentional hierarchy to maximize reuse (via inclusion) and minimize redundancy across scripts. Currently, these scripts apply to OMAP35x Linux PSP. But, can be extended easily to other platforms.

Needless to say, these scripts are open to enhancements.

How to execute a TeraTerm script?[edit]


File Naming Conventions[edit]

  • A file containing common macros - that can be included in other scripts - is prefixed with double underscore e.g. __common.ttl
  • The purpose / functionality of the file can be indicated after a '-' (minus) in the file name e.g. __uboot-config.ttl
  • Name of the container script that you execute is prefixed with name of the board e.g. omap3evm-boot-ramdisk.ttl.



Tera Term Macro
file __common.ttl
desc Common definitions used across the macros.
2007-11-30 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

Current Date

getdate CurDate

Current Time

gettime CurTime

Title of the Tera Term Window

StrWindowTitle = 'OMAP35x EVM'

Boot methods


Is Lauterbach used for debug?

UseLauterbach = 0

Caption prefix

StrCaption = ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '


StrEmpty = #13#10StrDivider_1 = '#13#10StrDivider_2 = '-----------------------------------------------------'#13#10StrDivider_3 = '.....................................................'#13#10

Set position of status dialog box

setdlgpos 10 10

Set window title

settitle StrWindowTitle




Tera Term Macro
file __uboot-config-common.ttl
desc Common u-boot related definitions
2007-11-30 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

The u-boot message to stop autoboot.

MsgAutoboot = 'Hit any key to stop autoboot:'

The u-boot prompt

PromptUboot = 'OMAP3EVM #'

Disable autoload

wait PromptUbootsendln 'setenv autoload no'



This file uses dummy values for various macros. They need to be defined with correct values for your platform.


Tera Term Macro
file __uboot-config-network.ttl
desc Configure the u-boot network settings.
2007-11-30 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

Ethernet on EVM

VarMacAddr = 'A1:B1:C1:E1:D1:E1'VarGatewayIP = ''VarNetMask = ''

Server running the TFT Server

VarServerIP = ''

Get IP address from DHCP server

CmdDHCP = 'dhcp'

Setup Network

wait PromptUbootsendln 'setenv ethaddr ' VarMacAddr

wait PromptUbootsendln 'setenv gatewayip ' VarGatewayIP

wait PromptUbootsendln 'setenv netmask ' VarNetMask

Set the IP address of the TFTP Server

wait PromptUbootsendln 'setenv serverip ' VarServerIP

Get an IP Address

wait PromptUbootsendln CmdDHCP

Set the IP address of the TFTP Server again.
(Required on some networks)

wait PromptUbootsendln 'setenv serverip ' VarServerIP




Tera Term Macro
file __uboot-load-kernel.ttl
desc Steps to boot the Linux kernel.
2007-11-30 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

Name of the boot file

BootFile = 'uImage'

Boot arguments

BootArgs_RAMDISK = 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 mem=128M root=/dev/ram0 rw initrd=0x81600000,16M ip=dhcp'BootArgs_NFS = 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 mem=128M root=/dev/nfs noinitrd nfsroot=,nolock,rsize=1024,wsize=1024 ip=dhcp'

Boot commands

CmdLoadRamDisk = 'tftpboot 0x81600000 kernel/ramdisk.gz'CmdLoadUimage = 'tftpboot 0x80000000 kernel/uImage'CmdBootm = 'bootm 0x80000000'

General configuration

wait PromptUbootsendln 'setenv bootfile ' BootFile

Set boot arguments

wait PromptUboot

strcompare VarBootMethod Boot_RAMDISKif result=0 then


strcompare VarBootMethod Boot_NFSif result=0 then


Print current environment (Just for the record)

wait PromptUbootsendln 'printenv'

Load RamDisk Image

strcompare VarBootMethod Boot_RAMDISKif result=0 then


Load uImage

wait PromptUbootsendln CmdLoadUimage

Boot Linux

wait PromptUbootif UseLauterbach=0 then

elseif UseLauterbach=1 then





Tera Term Macro
file __kernel-common.ttl
desc Common kernel related definitions & commands.
2007-11-30 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

The Linux kernel prompt

PromptLinux = '[root@OMAP3EVM /]# '

Clear screen

CmdClear = 'clear'




Tera Term Macro
file __kernel-power.ttl
desc Common power related definitions and commands.
2008-04-25 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

Set LCD timeout to 2 secs

CmdFbTimeout = 'echo 2 > /sys/power/fb_timeout_value'

Different pause durations used in testing

PauseLog = 2PauseNormal = 30PauseSuspendBefore = 5PauseSuspendAfter = 10

Strings indicating sleep duration

StrSleepNormal = 'Wait for 30 secs'#13#10StrSleepBeforeSuspend = 'Wait for 5 secs'#13#10StrSleepAfterSuspend = 'Wait for 60 secs'#13#10

Strings indicating actions performed

StrSuspend = 'Attempt Suspend'#13#10StrResume = 'Attempt Resume (send key click)'#13#10

StrViewPowerStates = 'View previous power states'#13#10StrViewDeepestIdleState = 'View the deepest IDLE state'#13#10

StrViewGovernor = 'View current governor'#13#10

StrViewVDD1 = 'View VDD1 OPP'#13#10StrViewVDD2 = 'View VDD2 OPP'#13#10

StrViewClock_MPU_IVA = 'View MPU & IVA clocks'#13#10StrViewClock_VirtVDD = 'View virtual VDD clocks'#13#10

Set deepest IDLE state

CmdShowPowerStates = 'cat /proc/pm_prepwst'

Show current deepest IDLE state

CmdShowDeepestIdleState = 'cat /sys/power/cpuidle_deepest_state'

Show status of OMAP clocks

CmdShowClocks = 'cat /proc/omap_clocks'

Set deepest IDLE state

CmdSetDeepestIdleState_0 = 'echo '0' > /sys/power/cpuidle_deepest_state'CmdSetDeepestIdleState_1 = 'echo '1' > /sys/power/cpuidle_deepest_state'CmdSetDeepestIdleState_2 = 'echo '2' > /sys/power/cpuidle_deepest_state'CmdSetDeepestIdleState_3 = 'echo '3' > /sys/power/cpuidle_deepest_state'CmdSetDeepestIdleState_4 = 'echo '4' > /sys/power/cpuidle_deepest_state'CmdSetDeepestIdleState_5 = 'echo '5' > /sys/power/cpuidle_deepest_state'CmdSetDeepestIdleState_6 = 'echo '6' > /sys/power/cpuidle_deepest_state'

Put system to 'suspend' state

CmdSuspend = 'echo -n 'mem' > /sys/power/state'

OMAP Clocks

CmdShowAllClocks = 'cat /proc/omap_clocks'CmdShowClock_MPU = 'cat /proc/omap_clocks | grep mpu'CmdShowClock_IVA = 'cat /proc/omap_clocks | grep iva'CmdShowClock_VDDs = 'cat /proc/omap_clocks | grep virt'

Governor related

CmdShowGovernor = 'cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'

CmdSetGovernor_Ondemand = 'echo 'ondemand' > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'CmdSetGovernor_Performance = 'echo 'performance' > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'

Set OPPs for VDD1

CmdSetVDD1_1 = 'echo '1' > /sys/power/vdd1_opp_value'CmdSetVDD1_2 = 'echo '2' > /sys/power/vdd1_opp_value'CmdSetVDD1_3 = 'echo '3' > /sys/power/vdd1_opp_value'CmdSetVDD1_4 = 'echo '4' > /sys/power/vdd1_opp_value'CmdSetVDD1_5 = 'echo '5' > /sys/power/vdd1_opp_value'

CmdShowVdd1 = 'cat /sys/power/vdd1_opp_value'

Set OPPs for VDD2

CmdSetVDD2_1 = 'echo '1' > /sys/power/vdd2_opp_value'CmdSetVDD2_2 = 'echo '2' > /sys/power/vdd2_opp_value'

CmdShowVdd2 = 'cat /sys/power/vdd2_opp_value'




Tera Term Macro
file __test-cpuidle.ttl
desc Unit tests for 'cpuidle' framework.
2008-04-25 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

include '__common.ttl'

Testcase title

StrDescription = 'UNIT TEST CASES FOR CPUIDLE'#13#10

Strings indicating deepest idle state

StrDeepestIdleState_0 = 'Deepest Idle State = 0'#13#10StrDeepestIdleState_1 = 'Deepest Idle State = 1'#13#10StrDeepestIdleState_2 = 'Deepest Idle State = 2'#13#10StrDeepestIdleState_3 = 'Deepest Idle State = 3'#13#10StrDeepestIdleState_4 = 'Deepest Idle State = 4'#13#10StrDeepestIdleState_5 = 'Deepest Idle State = 5'#13#10StrDeepestIdleState_6 = 'Deepest Idle State = 6'#13#10StrDeepestIdleState_9 = 'Deepest Idle State = 9 (Incorrect)'#13#10

Commands for negative testing

CmdSetDeepestIdleState_9 = 'echo '9' > /sys/power/cpuidle_deepest_state'


wait PromptLinux

sendln CmdFbTimeoutwait PromptLinux

sendlnwait PromptLinux

Open log file

logopen 'test-cpuidle.log' 0 0logstart

logwrite StrEmpty

logwrite StrCaptionlogwrite CurDatelogwrite StrEmpty

logwrite StrCaptionlogwrite CurTimelogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLogsendlnwait PromptLinux


StrStateCaption = StrDeepestIdleState_0CmdDeepestIdleState = CmdSetDeepestIdleState_0

call ExecIdleTest


StrStateCaption = StrDeepestIdleState_1CmdDeepestIdleState = CmdSetDeepestIdleState_1

call ExecIdleTest


StrStateCaption = StrDeepestIdleState_2CmdDeepestIdleState = CmdSetDeepestIdleState_2

call ExecIdleTest


StrStateCaption = StrDeepestIdleState_3CmdDeepestIdleState = CmdSetDeepestIdleState_3

Teraterm setup

call ExecIdleTest


StrStateCaption = StrDeepestIdleState_4CmdDeepestIdleState = CmdSetDeepestIdleState_4

call ExecIdleTest


StrStateCaption = StrDeepestIdleState_5CmdDeepestIdleState = CmdSetDeepestIdleState_5

call ExecIdleTest


StrStateCaption = StrDeepestIdleState_6CmdDeepestIdleState = CmdSetDeepestIdleState_6

call ExecIdleTest


StrStateCaption = StrDeepestIdleState_9CmdDeepestIdleState = CmdSetDeepestIdleState_9

call ExecIdleTest_N

Return to C2

sendlnsendlnwait PromptLinux

sendlnsendln CmdSetDeepestIdleState_2wait PromptLinux

Close log file

sendlnwait PromptLinux

pause PauseNormallogclose


Execute the CPUIDLE Tests

msgStatus =

State caption

strconcat msgstatus StrStateCaptionstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrDivider_2logwrite StrStateCaptionlogwrite StrDivider_2

pause PauseLog

Set deepest idle state
(Additional 'newlines' sent just in case first is missed in deeper C states)

sendlnsendlnwait PromptLinuxsendlnsendln CmdDeepestIdleStatewait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog

View previous power states

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewPowerStateslogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

strconcat msgstatus StrViewPowerStatesstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

sendlnsendlnwait PromptLinuxsendlnsendln CmdShowPowerStateswait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog

Wait for 'PauseNormal'
(Additional 'newline' sent just in case first is missed in deeper C states)

strconcat msgstatus StrSleepNormalstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrSleepNormallogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseNormal

sendlnsendlnwait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog

View previous power states (again)
(Additional 'newline' sent just in case first is missed in deeper C states)

strconcat msgstatus StrViewPowerStatesstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewPowerStateslogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendlnsendlnwait PromptLinuxsendlnsendln CmdShowPowerStateswait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog

Wait for 'PauseSuspendBefore'
(Additional 'newline' sent just in case first is missed in deeper C states)

strconcat msgstatus StrSleepBeforeSuspendstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrSleepBeforeSuspendlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseSuspendBefore

sendlnsendlnwait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog


strconcat msgstatus StrSuspendstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrSuspendlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendlnsendlnwait PromptLinuxsendlnsendln CmdSuspend

Wait for 'PauseSuspendAfter'

strconcat msgstatus StrSleepAfterSuspendstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrSleepAfterSuspendlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseSuspendAfter


strconcat msgstatus StrResumestatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrResumelogwrite StrEmpty

sendlnwait PromptLinux


pause PauseLog



Execute the CPUIDLE Tests (Negative)

msgStatus =

State caption

strconcat msgstatus StrStateCaptionstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrDivider_2logwrite StrStateCaptionlogwrite StrDivider_2

pause PauseLog

Set deepest idle state
(Additional 'newline' sent just in case first is missed in deeper C states)

sendlnsendlnwait PromptLinuxsendlnsendln CmdDeepestIdleStatewait PromptLinux


pause PauseLog






Tera Term Macro
file __test-cpufreq.ttl
desc Unit tests for 'cpufreq' framework.
2008-04-25 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

include '__common.ttl'

Testcase title

StrDescription = 'UNIT TEST CASES FOR CPUFREQ'#13#10

Strings related to governors

StrGovernorOndemand = 'Set ONDEMAND Governor'#13#10StrGovernorPerformance = 'Set PERFORMANCE Governor'#13#10

Strings indicating OPPs

StrOppVdd1_1 = 'VDD1 OPP = 1'#13#10StrOppVdd1_2 = 'VDD1 OPP = 2'#13#10StrOppVdd1_3 = 'VDD1 OPP = 3'#13#10StrOppVdd1_4 = 'VDD1 OPP = 4'#13#10StrOppVdd1_5 = 'VDD1 OPP = 5'#13#10

StrOppVdd1_6 = 'VDD1 OPP = 6 (Incorrect)'#13#10

StrOppVdd2_1 = 'VDD2 OPP = 1'#13#10StrOppVdd2_2 = 'VDD2 OPP = 2'#13#10StrOppVdd2_3 = 'VDD2 OPP = 3'#13#10

StrOppVdd2_4 = 'VDD2 OPP = 4 (Incorrect)'#13#10

Commands for negative testing

CmdSetVDD1_6 = 'echo '6' > /sys/power/vdd1_opp_value'CmdSetVDD2_4 = 'echo '4' > /sys/power/vdd2_opp_value'


wait PromptLinux

sendln CmdFbTimeoutwait PromptLinux

sendln CmdClearwait PromptLinux

sendlnwait PromptLinux

Open log file

logopen 'test-cpufreq.log' 0 0logstart

logwrite StrEmpty

logwrite StrCaptionlogwrite CurDatelogwrite StrEmpty

logwrite StrCaptionlogwrite CurTimelogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLogsendln

Show current governor & switch to 'ondemand' governor

StrStateCaption = StrOppVdd1_1CmdSetVDD1 = CmdSetVDD1_1

call ExecGovernors


StrStateCaption = StrOppVdd1_1CmdSetVDD1 = CmdSetVDD1_1

call ExecFreqTest


StrStateCaption = StrOppVdd1_2CmdSetVDD1 = CmdSetVDD1_2

call ExecFreqTest


StrStateCaption = StrOppVdd1_3CmdSetVDD1 = CmdSetVDD1_3

call ExecFreqTest

(Do this early so we don't keep MPU in overdrive for long during negative

StrStateCaption = StrOppVdd1_5CmdSetVDD1 = CmdSetVDD1_5

call ExecFreqTest


StrStateCaption = StrOppVdd1_4CmdSetVDD1 = CmdSetVDD1_4

call ExecFreqTest

VDD1 - OPP6 (Negative)

StrStateCaption = StrOppVdd1_6CmdSetVDD1 = CmdSetVDD1_6

call ExecFreqTest_N


StrStateCaption = StrOppVdd2_1CmdSetVDD2 = CmdSetVDD2_1

call ExecFreqTest2


StrStateCaption = StrOppVdd2_2CmdSetVDD2 = CmdSetVDD2_2

call ExecFreqTest2


StrStateCaption = StrOppVdd2_3CmdSetVDD2 = CmdSetVDD2_3

call ExecFreqTest2

Close log file

sendlnwait PromptLinux

pause PauseNormallogclose


Execute the CPUFREQ Tests

msgStatus =

State caption

strconcat msgstatus StrStateCaptionstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrDivider_2logwrite StrStateCaptionlogwrite StrDivider_2

pause PauseLogsendlnwait PromptLinux

Show current governor

strconcat msgstatus StrViewGovernorstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewGovernorlogwrite StrEmpty

sendln CmdShowGovernorwait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog

Set 'ondemand' governor

strconcat msgstatus StrGovernorOndemandstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrGovernorOndemandlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendln CmdSetGovernor_Ondemandwait PromptLinux

View virtual VDD clocks

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewClock_VirtVDDlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendlnwait PromptLinux

wait PromptLinuxsendln CmdShowClock_VDDs

pause PauseLog

Teraterm Macro If Result

View current MPU & IVA clocks

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewClock_MPU_IVAlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendlnwait PromptLinux

wait PromptLinuxsendln CmdShowClock_MPU

pause PauseLog

sendlnwait PromptLinux

sendln CmdShowClock_IVAwait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog



Execute the CPUFREQ Tests

msgStatus =

State caption

strconcat msgstatus StrStateCaptionstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrDivider_2logwrite StrStateCaptionlogwrite StrDivider_2

pause PauseLog


sendlnwait PromptLinux

sendln CmdSetVDD1wait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog

View current VDD1 OPP

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewVDD1logwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendlnwait PromptLinux

wait PromptLinuxsendln CmdShowVdd1

pause PauseLog

View current VDD2 OPP

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewVDD2logwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendlnwait PromptLinux

wait PromptLinuxsendln CmdShowVdd2

pause PauseLog

View virtual VDD clocks

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewClock_VirtVDDlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendlnwait PromptLinux

wait PromptLinuxsendln CmdShowClock_VDDs

pause PauseLog

View current MPU & IVA clocks

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewClock_MPU_IVAlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendlnwait PromptLinux

wait PromptLinuxsendln CmdShowClock_MPU

pause PauseLog

sendlnwait PromptLinux

sendln CmdShowClock_IVAwait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog

Wait for 'PauseSuspendBefore'

strconcat msgstatus StrSleepBeforeSuspendstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrSleepBeforeSuspendlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseSuspendBefore

sendlnwait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog


strconcat msgstatus StrSuspendstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrSuspendlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendlnsendln CmdSuspend

Wait for 'PauseSuspendAfter'

strconcat msgstatus StrSleepAfterSuspendstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrSleepAfterSuspendlogwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseSuspendAfter


strconcat msgstatus StrResumestatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrResumelogwrite StrEmpty

sendlnwait PromptLinux


pause PauseLog



Execute the CPUFREQ Tests (VDD2)

msgStatus =

State caption

strconcat msgstatus StrStateCaptionstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrDivider_2logwrite StrStateCaptionlogwrite StrDivider_2

pause PauseLog


sendlnwait PromptLinux

sendln CmdSetVDD2wait PromptLinux

pause PauseLog

View current VDD1 OPP

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewVDD1logwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

Teraterm Result

sendlnwait PromptLinux

wait PromptLinuxsendln CmdShowVdd1

pause PauseLog

View current VDD2 OPP

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrCaptionlogwrite StrViewVDD2logwrite StrEmpty

pause PauseLog

sendlnwait PromptLinux

wait PromptLinuxsendln CmdShowVdd2

pause PauseLog

sendlnwait PromptLinux


pause PauseLog



Execute the CPUFREQ Tests (Negative)

msgStatus =

State caption

strconcat msgstatus StrStateCaptionstatusbox msgstatus TitleWindow

logwrite StrEmptylogwrite StrDivider_2logwrite StrStateCaptionlogwrite StrDivider_2

pause PauseLog


sendlnwait PromptLinux

sendln CmdSetVDD1wait PromptLinux


pause PauseLog








Tera Term Macro
file omap3evm-boot-ramdisk.ttl
desc Steps to boot the Linux kernel using ramdisk on the OMAP3EVM.
2007-11-30 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

include '__common.ttl'

VarBootMethod = Boot_RAMDISK

include '__uboot-config-common.ttl'include '__uboot-config-network.ttl'include '__uboot-load-kernel.ttl'

include '__kernel-common.ttl'include '__kernel-boot.ttl'




Tera Term Macro
file omap3evm-boot-nfs.ttl
desc Steps to boot the Linux kernel using NFS on the OMAP3EVM.
2007-11-30 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

include '__common.ttl'

VarBootMethod = Boot_NFS

include '__uboot-config-common.ttl'include '__uboot-config-network.ttl'include '__uboot-load-kernel.ttl'

include '__kernel-common.ttl'include '__kernel-boot.ttl'




Tera Term Macro
file omap3evm-test-power.ttl
desc Steps to execute Power Management test cases on the OMAP3EVM.
2008-04-25 Sanjeev Premi
Original Version

include '__common.ttl'

include '__kernel-common.ttl'

include '__kernel-power.ttl'

include '__test-cpuidle.ttl'include '__test-cpufreq.ttl'

beeppause 1beeppause 1beep


What about DaVinci TeraTerm Scripts?[edit]

Below are a few simple scripts used to boot a DaVinci EVM - obviously you'll need to modify your IP address, kernel name and rootpath appropriately. These examples should serve as a good starting point if you want to create your own scripts.

To run the scripts, simply hit any key during the U-boot countdown to get to the U-boot prompt. Then run 'Macro->Control' and browse to the *.ttl.

DM6446: Crossover Script[edit]

When you don't have a switch/router and need to boot your EVM using TFTP/NFS, you can directly connect your EVM to your laptop with a crossover cable. Here, the Linux host's IP address is set to (modify as needed). To manually set the Linux host's IP address:

  1. host$ su - Login as root
  2. host# setup - Setup your network
  3. Browse to Network Configuration, then choose 'Yes' (to Setup Network)
  4. Uncheck 'Use dynamic IP configuration' using the spacebar (if needed)
  5. Tab to 'IP address:' and type and tab (using default values for Netmask, Gateway and Nameserver) to 'OK' and hit Enter. Save your settings when prompted.
  6. host# /etc/init.d/network restart - Restart your network
  7. host# ipconfig - Verify that your IP address has been set to

Also, note the $(videoargs) setting below (setup for DVSDK 1.30)--if you are using an older DVSDK, simply remove $(videoargs) from the bootargs.


Tera Term Macro
file dm6446_crossover.ttl
comments rename serverip, rootpath and bootfile

showtt 0setsync 1

sendln 'setenv serverip'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv ipaddr'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv nfshost $(serverip)'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv rootpath /home/user/target'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv videoargs video=davincifb:vid0=720x576x16,2500K:vid1=720x576x16,2500K:osd0=720x576x16,2025K davinci_enc_mngr.ch0_output=COMPOSITE davinci_enc_mngr.ch0_mode=ntsc'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootargs $(videoargs) console=ttyS0,115200n8 noinitrd rw root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=$(nfshost):$(rootpath),nolock ip=$(ipaddr) mem=120M'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'tftpboot 0x80700000 uImage; bootm'waitrecv '#' 1 0</syntaxhighlight> Note: The use of parenthesis for variable substitution is being deprecated for new U-boot releases - use curly braces {} instead. Check http://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/CommandLineParsing

Are there any DM355 examples?[edit]

Below are 4 macros for each of the boot options on DM355 - TFTP/NAND for kernel and NAND/NFS for file system):


Tera Term Macro
file dm355_tftp_nfs.ttl
comments rename the serverip, rootpath and bootfile

showtt 0setsync 1

sendln 'setenv serverip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv nfshost $(serverip)'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv rootpath /home/user/target'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv videoargs video=dm355fb:vid0=720x480x16,2025K@0,0:vid1=720x480x16,2025K@0,0:osd0=720x480,1350K@0,0:osd1=720x480,1350K@0,0waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootargs $(videoargs) console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=$(nfshost):$(rootpath) ip=dhcp mem=116M'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootfile uImage'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'dhcp;bootm'waitrecv '#' 1 0</syntaxhighlight> Note: The use of parenthesis for variable substitution is being deprecated for new U-boot releases - use curly braces {} instead. Check http://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/CommandLineParsing


Tera Term Macro
file dm355_tftp_nand.ttl
comments rename the serverip and bootfile

showtt 0setsync 1

sendln 'setenv serverip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv videoargs video=dm355fb:vid0=720x480x16,2025K@0,0:vid1=720x480x16,2025K@0,0:osd0=720x480,1350K@0,0:osd1=720x480,1350K@0,0waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootargs $(videoargs) console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/mtdblock3 rw rootfstype=yaffs2 rw ip=dhcp mem=116M'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootfile uImage'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'dhcp;bootm'waitrecv '#' 1 0</syntaxhighlight> Note: The use of parenthesis for variable substitution is being deprecated for new U-boot releases - use curly braces {} instead. Check http://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/CommandLineParsing


Tera Term Macro
file dm355_nand_nfs.ttl
comments rename the serverip and rootpath

showtt 0setsync 1

sendln 'setenv serverip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv nfshost $(serverip)'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv rootpath /home/user/target'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv videoargs video=dm355fb:vid0=720x480x16,2025K@0,0:vid1=720x480x16,2025K@0,0:osd0=720x480,1350K@0,0:osd1=720x480,1350K@0,0waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootargs $(videoargs) console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=$(nfshost):$(rootpath) ip=dhcp mem=116M'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'nboot 0x80700000 0 0x400000;bootm'waitrecv '#' 1 0</syntaxhighlight> Note: The use of parenthesis for variable substitution is being deprecated for new U-boot releases - use curly braces {} instead. Check http://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/CommandLineParsing


Tera Term Macro
file dm355_nand_nand.ttl

showtt 0setsync 1

sendln 'setenv videoargs video=dm355fb:vid0=720x480x16,2025K@0,0:vid1=720x480x16,2025K@0,0:osd0=720x480,1350K@0,0:osd1=720x480,1350K@0,0waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootargs $(videoargs) console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/mtdblock3 rw rootfstype=yaffs2 rw ip=dhcp mem=116M'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'nboot 0x80700000 0 0x400000;bootm'waitrecv '#' 1 0</syntaxhighlight> Note: The use of parenthesis for variable substitution is being deprecated for new U-boot releases - use curly braces {} instead. Check http://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/CommandLineParsing

Are there any DM6467 examples?[edit]

Below is an example ttl script for users with a switch/router. To reiterate one of the advantages of using a ttl script is that you can share boards between team members without wrenching their boot settings.

This ttl script has been tested in the DVSDK 1.40 environment.

Naturally replace the serverip with whatever /sbin/ifconfig shows as your IP address.

<syntaxhighlight>showtt 0setsync 1

sendln 'setenv serverip'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv nfshost $(serverip)'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv ipaddr dhcp'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv rootpath /home/user/workdir/filesys_dm6467'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8 noinitrd rw root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=$(nfshost):$(rootpath),nolock ip=$(ipaddr) mem=120M davincihd_capture.channel0_numbuffers=4'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootfile uImage.DM6467'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'dhcp;tftpboot;bootm'waitrecv '#' 1 0</syntaxhighlight>

Here is a DM6467T EVM Teraterm macro file for DVSDK 3.10. The macro provides the following options:

  • Booting via static IP or DHCP address for EVM
  • Loading kernel via TFTP or Flash
  • Loading filesystem via NFS or HDD


Macro for Tera Term
DM6467T EVM - DVSDK v3.10
Texas Instruments
Prateek Bansal, Scott Specker
Uncomment below line if using from command line. Note '/C=1' indicates COM1!! For COM2 use '/C=2'
connect '/C=1'
showtt Show TeraTerm window when inputting commands

showtt 1

Synchronous mode - wait for > before next command is sent

setsync 1

Disable autoload TFTP when invoking dhcp command to get IP address

sendln 'setenv autoload no'waitrecv '>' 1 0

Set boot file if booting kernel via TFTP

sendln 'setenv bootfile uImage'waitrecv '>' 1 0

Video settings for DVSDK 3.10 for DM6467T EVM

sendln 'setenv videocfg vpif_display.ch2_numbuffers=0 vpif_display.ch3_numbuffers=0'waitrecv '>' 1 0

static ip (You can chose to hardcode the static IP address)

sendln 'setenv ipaddr'waitrecv '>' 1 0sendln 'setenv gateway'waitrecv '>' 1 0sendln 'setenv netmask'waitrecv '>' 1 0sendln 'setenv static_ip $ipaddr:$gateway:$netmask::::off'waitrecv '>' 1 0

Bootcmd parameters for booting kernel from Flash or via TFTP

sendln 'setenv bootcmd_flash nboot 80700000 0 640000;bootm'waitrecv '>' 1 0sendln 'setenv bootcmd_tftp tftp;bootm'waitrecv '>' 1 0

Shared NFS directory path

defaultNFSpath='/home/user/workdir/filesys'msg = 'Use Default NFS Path Address: 'strconcat msg defaultNFSpathyesnobox msg 'DaVinci Setup'if result then sendln 'setenv nfspath /home/user/workdir/filesys' waitrecv '>' 1 0else inputbox 'Enter NFS Path:' 'DaVinci Setup'

sendln 'setenv nfspath ' inputstr waitrecv '>' 1 0reboorooendif

Boot with Static IP address or DHCP configuration for DM6467 EVM

yesnobox 'Boot Static or Dynamic? [Yes=Static, No=Dynamic(dhcp)]' 'DaVinci Setup'if result then sendln 'setenv myip $static_ip' waitrecv '>' 1 0else sendln 'dhcp' waitrecv '>' 1 0 sendln 'setenv myip dhcp' waitrecv '>' 1 0endif

TFTP Server and NFS host IP Address - for loading uImage and NFS directory

defaultServerip=''msg = 'Use Default TFTP Server IP Address: 'strconcat msg defaultServeripyesnobox msg 'DaVinci Setup'if result then sendln 'setenv serverip ' defaultServerip waitrecv '>' 1 0else inputbox 'Enter Server IP Address:' 'DaVinci Setup' sendln 'setenv serverip ' inputstr waitrecv '>' 1 0endif

Set NFS host address same as serverip

sendln 'setenv nfshost $serverip'waitrecv '>' 1 0

Boot HDD or NFS filesystem

yesnobox 'Boot using Root from HDD or NFS? (Yes=HDD, No=NFS)' 'DaVinci Setup'if result then sendln 'setenv bootargs_hdd mem=76M console=ttyS0,115200n8 noinitrd ip=$myip root=/dev/hda1' waitrecv '>' 1 0 sendln 'setenv bootargs $bootargs_hdd $videocfg' waitrecv '>' 1 0else sendln 'setenv bootargs_nfs mem=76M console=ttyS0,115200n8 noinitrd rw ip=$myip root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=$nfshost:$nfspath,nolock' waitrecv '>' 1 0 sendln 'set bootargs $bootargs_nfs $videocfg' waitrecv '>' 1 0endif

Boot kernel from Flash or via TFTP

yesnobox 'Boot Kernel from Flash or via TFTP? (Yes=Flash, No=TFTP)' 'DaVinci Setup'if result then sendln 'set bootcmd $bootcmd_flash' waitrecv '>' 1 0else sendln 'set bootcmd $bootcmd_tftp' waitrecv '>' 1 0endif

Save environment variables

yesnobox 'Save uboot environment variables?' 'DaVinci Setup'if result then sendln 'saveenv' waitrecv '>' 1 0endif

Boot linux or go to uboot prompt

yesnobox 'Boot Linux now?' 'DaVinci Setup'if result then

else setdlgpos 200 200 msg='Use the 'boot' command when you want to boot the DVEVM' ;statusbox 'Message' 'Title' statusbox msg 'Boot later...' pause 2 closesboxendif

showtt 1</syntaxhighlight>

Note: The use of parenthesis for variable substitution is being deprecated for new U-boot releases - use curly braces {} instead. Check http://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/CommandLineParsing

What about OMAP-L1 TeraTerm Scripts?[edit]

Are there any OMAPL137 examples?[edit]

Below is an example ttl script for users with a switch/router and NFS server. To reiterate one of the advantages of using a ttl script is that you can share boards between team members without wrenching their boot settings.

This ttl script has been tested in the SDK environment and all directories and filenames match the default installation procedure as listed in the Installing the Software for OMAP-L137

Note: for OMAPL137 you must set the delay as mentioned in the What is a TeraTerm INI? section

  • Replace the serverip with whatever /sbin/ifconfig shows as your IP address.
  • Replace the useracct with the name you use to login to your Linux PC.


Keep the VT window open while executing macro

showtt 1

Set the synchronous mode

setsync 1

Set the title to make easier identification between boards

settitle 'OMAPL137'

set tftp server ip address

sendln 'setenv serverip' ;CHANGE TO MATCH YOUR CONFIGURATION!!!

set nfs server ip address

sendln 'setenv nfshost ${serverip}'

set nfs rootpath

sendln 'setenv rootpath /home/<useracct>/workdir/filesys' ;CHANGE <useracct> TO MATCH YOUR CONFIGURATION!!!

set kernel command line argument

sendln 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS2,115200n8 noinitrd rw ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=${nfshost}:${rootpath},nolock mem=32M'

choose kernel image file name

sendln 'setenv bootfile uImage'

obtain the IP via dhcp server and boot the board!

sendln 'dhcp;bootm'

end of macro file


The script below works with an USB pendrive that should meet the requirements below. Check the <LSP_02.20_OMAP-L137_User_Guide.pdf> and this topic for additional details.

  • U-boot must be rebuilt with USB support enabled.
  • The 2GB USB pendrive must be connected to USB0 only and contain two partitions:
    • the first partition must be of type FAT16 or FAT32 and contains the uImage (Linux Kernel) file in the root directory
    • the second partition must be of type ext2 or ext3 and contains the target filesystem (the same contents of /home/<useracct>/workdir/filesys)


Keep the VT window open while executing macro

showtt 1

Set the synchronous mode

setsync 1

needed because of the slower operations usb start and fatload

PromptUboot = 'U-Boot > '

Set the title to make easier identification between boards

settitle 'OMAPL137'

check if USB is alive and which devices are on

sendln 'usb start'wait PromptUboot

load the kernel image to memory

sendln 'fatload usb 0:1 0xC0700000 uimage'wait PromptUboot

set kernel command line argument

sendln 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS2,115200n8 noinitrd rw ip=dhcp root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext2 mem=32M' ;USB BOOT

choose kernel image file name

sendln 'setenv bootfile uImage'

boot the board!

sendln 'bootm'

end of macro file


Note: The command usb start sometimes hangs on the message scanning bus for storage devices.... If this happens to you, stop the macro from executing, reset the board and reload the script file.

The script below works with a linux kernel in SPI and a MMC/SD card that contains the root filesystem

  • The SPI Flash should be pre-loaded with a linux kernel located at address 0x1e0000 (Primus U-boot is not able to initialize and load a kernel from the SD card). The production boards will have the kernel preloaded. For additional details on how to do this, please check this topic and section 5.4.2 of the <LSP_02.20_OMAP-L137_User_Guide.pdf>
  • The last parameter of the sf read command must be equal or greater than the size of the linux kernel image.


Keep the VT window open while executing macro

showtt 1

Set the synchronous mode

setsync 1

Set the title to make easier identification between boards

settitle 'OMAPL137'

needed because of the slower SPI Flash operations

PromptUboot = 'U-Boot > '

set kernel command line argument

sendln 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS2,115200n8 noinitrd rw ip=dhcp root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=ext2 mem=32M' ;MMC/SD BOOT

select the SPI Flash memory

sendln 'sf probe 0'wait PromptUboot

load kernel image to RAM address 0xc0700000...

sendln 'sf read 0xc0700000 0x1e0000 0x220000'wait PromptUboot

...and boot the board!

sendln 'bootm'

end of macro file


Are there any OMAPL138 examples?[edit]

Below is an example ttl script for users with a switch/router and NFS server. To reiterate one of the advantages of using a ttl script is that you can share boards between team members without wrenching their boot settings.

This ttl script has been tested in the SDK environment and all directories and filenames match the default installation procedure as listed in the GSG: Installing the Software for OMAP-L1


Keep the VT window open while executing macro

showtt 1

Set the synchronous mode

setsync 1

Set the title to make easier identification between boards

settitle 'OMAPL138'

The timeout between lines is 1 second
timeout = 1

Teraterm Result 2020

set tftp server ip address

sendln 'setenv serverip' ;CHANGE TO MATCH YOUR CONFIGURATION!!!

set nfs server ip address

sendln 'setenv nfshost ${serverip}'

set nfs rootpath

sendln 'setenv rootpath /home/<useracct>/workdir/filesys' ;CHANGE <useracct> TO MATCH YOUR CONFIGURATION!!!

set kernel command line argument

sendln 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS2,115200n8 noinitrd rw ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=${nfshost}:${rootpath},nolock mem=32M'

choose kernel image file name

sendln 'setenv bootfile uImage'

obtain the IP via dhcp server and boot the board!

sendln 'dhcp;bootm'

end of macro file

Terraform If Result


What about using a DLP Pico Projector?[edit]

Beagle example[edit]


Tera Term script for using DLP Pico Projector as display on Beagle
File system on partition 2 of SD card - you may need to modify the DSS based on your kernel
The first bootargs are for 2.6.28, and second set for 2.6.29

setsync 1

sendln 'mmcinit'waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait omap-dss.def_disp=dvi omapfb.video_mode=640x480MR-16@60 omapfb.vram=4M,4M,4M mem=80M'

sendln 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait omapdss.def_disp=dvi omapfb.mode=dvi
640x480MR-16@60 omapfb.vram=0:4M,1:4M,2:4M mem=80M'

waitrecv '#' 1 0

sendln 'setenv bootcmd mmcinit;fatload mmc 0 80300000 uImage;bootm 80300000'waitrecv '#' 1 0


What is a TeraTerm INI?[edit]

When TeraTerm starts, it runs TERATERM.INI to setup the console. Once you have set your serial terminal to the correct baude rate (via 'Setup->Serial') on COM1 (via 'Setup->General->Default Port'), you can save the setup via 'Setup->Save Setup.' Save this setup in the TeraTerm Installation directory by overwriting TERATERM.INI. Now your TeraTerm will be setup correctly every time you start it.

To run the above scripts, you may need to add a line delay of 100ms (otherwise the lines can become concatenated) by setting the Transmit delay to 100 ms/line (via 'Setup->Serial'). You'll probably want to save this modification in TERATERM.INI to avoid having to modify it every time you start TeraTerm.

  1. switchcategory:MultiCore=
  • For technical support on MultiCore devices, please post your questions in the C6000 MultiCore Forum
  • For questions related to the BIOS MultiCore SDK (MCSDK), please use the BIOS Forum

Please post only comments related to the article Teraterm Scripts here.

  • For technical support on MultiCore devices, please post your questions in the C6000 MultiCore Forum
  • For questions related to the BIOS MultiCore SDK (MCSDK), please use the BIOS Forum

Please post only comments related to the article Teraterm Scripts here.

C2000=For technical support on the C2000 please post your questions on The C2000 Forum. Please post only comments about the article Teraterm Scripts here.DaVinci=For technical support on DaVincoplease post your questions on The DaVinci Forum. Please post only comments about the article Teraterm Scripts here.MSP430=For technical support on MSP430 please post your questions on The MSP430 Forum. Please post only comments about the article Teraterm Scripts here.OMAP35x=For technical support on OMAP please post your questions on The OMAP Forum. Please post only comments about the article Teraterm Scripts here.OMAPL1=For technical support on OMAP please post your questions on The OMAP Forum. Please post only comments about the article Teraterm Scripts here.MAVRK=For technical support on MAVRK please post your questions on The MAVRK Toolbox Forum. Please post only comments about the article Teraterm Scripts here.For technical support please post your questions at http://e2e.ti.com. Please post only comments about the article Teraterm Scripts here.



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2019.08.31 (Ver 4.104)

  • Changes
    • The Disabling text selection when the window is activated by mouse configuration can be set up on the Additional settings dialog.
    • The environment variable included in directory for file transfers becomes to be expanded.
    • Unspecified string font in IME uses your defined font.
    • Added help button on Additional settings dialog.
    • MARCO: The fileopen command does not cause an error when a file can not be opened. Reverted changes in 4.102.
    • MACRO: When filetruncate command does not cause an error when a file can not be opened, or file size can not be changed.
  • Bug fixes
    • When UTF-8 characters received, 4-byte UTF-8 characters are miss-decoded.
    • When the Active Window Tracking is enabled, mouse cursor won't be active in Tera Term window. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • The session number of window title is always 1. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • When the font selection dialog is used while undetermined characters of IME are displayed , the font ot IME always is changed.
    • When the locale setting is default(japanese) or invalid on English version of Windows, an application fault immediately occurs after starting Tera Term.
    • A big file can not send by using [File]/[Send file..]. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • Cancel printing dialog can not be shown. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • The plugin compiled before 4.103 can not called because the DLL's calling convention is changed in Tera Term 4.103.
    • MACRO: listbox command can not adjust the width of list according to the window size. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • MACRO: filecopy command may not store the result to result system variable.
    • MACRO: filelock and fileunlock command always fail. This bug was introduced in 4.101.
    • MACRO: When the first byte of the file is matched by using filestrseek2 command, the file pointer is invalid. This bug was introduced in 4.101.
  • Misc
    • upgraded TTSSH to 2.90.
    • upgraded TTProxy to
    • upgraded Oniguruma to 6.9.3.


2019.08.31 (Ver 2.90)

  • Bug fixes
    • SSH2: When SSH communication is slow by using port forwarding, an application fault is occurred due to increase memory consumption.
    • SSH2: When SCP transfer dialog is closed, the directory of file transfer setting and the SCP destination path setting may not be updated.
    • SSH2: When SCP transfer is started on Windows 95/98/Me, an application fault occurs.
    • SSH1: When the destination port number is other than 22, an application fault may be occurred after the host key is newly written to known_hosts file.
    • SSH1: The rhosts authentication could not be performed at all.


2019.08.31 (Ver

  • Changes
    • When the negotiation is failed with SOCKS4 and 5, an error information is added to message.
  • Bug fixes
    • Bug fix: Depending on OS, setup dialog is not working correctly. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • Bug fix: When the hostname setting is domain, IPv6 and IPv4 fallback does not work well. And also, when you can not connect to the proxy server, Connection refused dialog is shown three times in a row.
    • Bug fix: When data can not receive from SOCKS server during negotiation with SOCKS4 and 5, the data may not be handled as an error.